DeVonn Francis of Yardy on Being Both Artist and Chef in Equal Measure
“I lean in to my expansiveness when I take a breath and fully see what’s possible for myself”
On the latest episode of the podcast, I talk to DeVonn Francis, founder of Yardy, about art, the idea of expansiveness and hospitality.
During our conversation I was struck by the way DeVonn spoke about how food can play with art and fashion and how physical space is a crucial element of any dining experience, impacting how we relate to the food we’re eating and each other. It made me think about dining experiences that made me feel comfortable and the ones that made me feel uncomfortable. In both situations, my comfort was determined by my relationship to that particular space and what I felt my place was in it. DeVonn says hospitality is inextricable from the idea of home and after thinking about the times when I’ve felt the most comfortable in a dining experience and I have to agree. Some of my most memorable meals featured simple food, not dazzling displays of technical brilliance, and a warm atmosphere where I felt like I could relax and enjoy myself. The most uncomfortable dining experiences make me question every movement I make and take me out of the experience of simply enjoying eating. In high end, fine dining restaurants, space feels negotiated by your ability to “fit in” and pay a premium and I think that’s why so many people feel uncomfortable in these scenarios.
I hope you will give this episode a listen and support Yardy’s delivery efforts if you’re here in NYC. You can find more information about delivery on their website, There you can sign up for their newsletter. You can also follow DeVonn on IG at @Tuna_Turner.
Photo Credits: DeVonn Francis (@tuna__turner), Dynasty & Soull Ogun (@l_enchanteur for, Ben Rosenzweig (@Benrosenzweig), Bianca Saunders (@biancasaunders_)